The Voice of
Press Release

Sir David Durie's talk about Gibraltar in London

Paul Tunbridge of The Voice of Gibraltar Group attended Sir David Durie's lecture at Chatham House in London on last Wednesday.

The address , which covered the history of the 'dispute', current state of affairs and outlook (solution ?) for the future, was somewhat matter - of - fact and uncontroversial but contained nothing new to the People of Gibraltar, although some of the contents were satisfying to hear. Neither did the ex - Governor clarify or give any indication for the position he took during his term of office, maintaining his well known stance of dealing with issues 'in private'.

During the subsequent open debate, it became clear, from the questions and comments from the audience, that Gibraltar's position is now better understood and appreciated. However, the Rock cannot drop its guard and must continue to lobby at every possible forum. Sir David Durie's replies were, at times too general or vague, in others non - committal. The Group had sent its representative to 'monitor' and listen, but was unable to participate in the discussions because of the short time allocated to the session and its abrupt end.

Paul Tunbridge did have the opportunity to talk to Sir David Durie at a reception prior to the lecture and immediately after it. During the former pleasantries (sic) were exchanged. He appeared to be well informed of The Group's actions since his departure. The latter encounter was somewhat more charged. It was pointed out to the ex - Governor that what was heard was the nearest anyone was going to get as far as a confession, act of contrition and penitence were concerned. Furthermore, he was told that just about everything in his address he, no doubt, learned from the Gibraltarians, within a short while of his arrival on the Rock. The Group finds it difficult to accept it has taken this gentleman almost four years to absorb, digest and regurgitate what was obvious from the outset. His 'diplomatic' balancing act during his tenure at The Convent brought The Gibraltarians as much grief as was dished out to them by the Prime Minister, Secretaries and Ministers of State, not forgetting the F&CO mandarins here and in London.

The Voice of Gibraltar Group and surely the vast majority of Gibraltarians will only come to trust the representatives of the Crown when they staunchly defend the rights and aspirations to self - determination of the good people of Gibraltar. SE ACABO EL ROLLO !

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